Physiotherapy Methods

Physiotherapy helps people develop and maintain their ability to move and function throughout life. With an advanced understanding of how the body moves and what prevents the body in well moving, physiotherapists support wellness, mobility and independence. We treat and prevent many problems caused by pain, illness, disability, injuries related with sports and work, ageing and long periods of inactivity. In addition to providing comprehensive physiotherapy services based on evidences in one place, our center is supported by highly qualified and trained physiotherapists.

This therapeutic technique corrects bad movement habits through motor re-learning. It utilises positions stemming from the motor development at childhood. Movement patterns placed in the subconscious are activated, helping to straighten the spine.

The activation of deeply- placed muscles strengthens the torso (trunk) and the spine. These specific exercises are performed under the supervision of a therapist. Following supervised sessions and training, these exercises can be used at home.

The Kabat method is a motor control rehabilitation technique based on proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). This is is a form of stretching designed to increase flexibility of muscles and increase range of movement.

PNF is a progressive stretch involving muscle contraction and relaxation. The progressive stretching and change between contraction and relaxation allows the muscle to adapt to its new position each time it is held in position. This allows it to stretch further the next time. If this is done on a regular basis, gains can be made in flexibility and range of movement.

The essence of the innovated Klapp climbing lies in the correct centering of key joints and spine during quadrupedal locomotion i.e. climbing on all fours. Its aim is to correct the spinal curvature by stretching and strenghthening the back muscles. It is based on the assumption that the spine is responsible for protecting and maintaining the static and dynamic functions, the nerves and blood vessels. Having wrong posture leads to a muscle imbalance in the body leading to negative effects on the spine and leading to impairments of the same.

Impact of Klapp exercises:

  • improving mobilization, correction and stabilization.
  • centering of key joints.
  • improving the ability of rotation and straightening of the spine.

Conditions for Application:

  • scoliosis.
  • wrong body posture.
  • muscle imbalance.
  • post-operative conditions.
  • chronic functional disorders of the spine.

Kinesio taping, or athletic taping, has been used for a long time for the prevention and treatment of sporting injuries. It involves taping over and around muscles for support to prevent over-contraction. An elastic form of tape is used that doesn’t restrict motion, but enhances it. Taping can improve muscle and joint proprioception by providing sensory feedback, reduce muscle fatigue and spasm, and reduce swelling, bruising and over-contraction of muscles. It can improve the activation of weakened muscles, relieve pain, and help correct joint mechanics by increasing the muscle function around the joint.

The tape itself comes in various colors, and are not important for treatment effectiveness. However, some athletes perceive that color can have an impact mentally (e.g. red can be perceived as a sign of intensity).

Kinesio taping benefits:

  • correction of muscle function.
  • improvement of lymphatic and blood flow.
  • reduction of pain perception.
  • reduction of the risk of subluxation position of joints – increase of joint stability.

Impact of Kinesio taping:

  • influence of muscle tension.
  • reduce of pressure tissue fluids.
  • address psychosomatic factors.

Manual lymphatic drainage is a massage technique that is used to stimulate the lymph vessels and encourage them to remove waste products from the area of injury or pain. The lymphatic system is a circulatory system around the body that removes waste products from tissues. The hands are used to rhythmically move the waste products under the skin towards the lymph nodes where the waste products are removed from lymph circulation.

Conditions for Application:

  • various types of lymphedema.
  • phlebedema.
  • lipedema.
  • cases of traumatic oedema.
  • cases of osteoarthritis.
  • cases of sympathetic reflex dystrophy – Sudeck’s syndrome.
  • rheumatoid arthritis.
  • muscular injuries.
  • burns.
  • wounds / scars.

The McKenzie technique is a set of exercises without the assistance of a therapist. Its application primarily affects the function of intervertebral discs.

They are manual procedures, which affect soft tissues: skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, facies and include procedures to remove blockades of joints.

It is a procedure to remove all reflex changes in the tissues, that can be treated from the surface of body and so to enter to the reflex arc positively, which causes inappropriate changes.

Sensorimotor stimulation is a set of balance-training exercises on balance, strength and joint function. Exercises are based on placing patients in an unbalanced position using unstable devices or creating an unstable state (e.g. pulling a mat). Maintaining balance improves the neural pathways.

Spiral Stabilization is highly effective, curative and preventative. It is an extremely versatile method and it can therefore be used by anyone who wishes to improve their posture, treat back pain, prevent injuries, maintain good health and well-being or to improve sports conditioning.

Using the specially designed resistance cord strengthens muscle weakness, stretches muscles to reduce tightness and eliminates muscle imbalances within the body that are often the cause of patients’ conditions.

The method is suitable for children, adults, the elderly and athletes. Simple exercises can be comfortably performed at home or under the supervision of your therapist.

Mobility or flexibility is commonly described as the range of motion, or movement, around a particular joint or set of joints. Stretching is the process of placing particular parts of the body into a position that will lengthen, or elongate, the muscles and associated soft tissues. Upon undertaking a regular stretching program a number of changes begin to occur within the body and specifically within the muscles themselves. Other tissues that begin to adapt to the stretching process include the fascia, tendons, ligaments, skin and scar tissue.

Benefits of stretching:

  • improves mental and physical relaxation.
  • intensifies motor perception.
  • reduces the risk of injuries, stretching, sprain.
  • reduces the likelihood of spinal disease.
  • reduces muscle pain.
  • reduces muscle tension.

TR-Therapy is a device based on the cooperation of radio frequency current with tissues in the body. It is transmitted to the body through the contact of the body and electrodes. Current dissipation leads to a selective increase in the temperature in the tissue under the theristatic electrode controlled by the therapist with the effect of relieving pain, muscle relaxation, local increase in blood flow, reduction of swelling.

TR-Therapy can be used to treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders such as muscle cramps, degenerative joint disorders, spine pain and soft tissue injuries.

Conditions not applicable:

  1. Treatment for children
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Tissues infected with bacteria, acute inflammation.
  4. Serious heart and respiratory diseases.
  5. Hypesthesia
  6. Inflammation of the skin, its damage or irritation.
  7. Bleeding conditions, menstruation.
  8. Malignancies or suspicions.
  9. Cachexia.
  10. Fever.
  11. Infection.
  12. Metal objects and active medical devices (pacemakers, insulin pumps).
  13. Application to endocrine glands and gonads.
  14. Area of large sympathetic plexuses.
  15. Peripheral nerves just below the surface of the skin.